Keep alive your Love and Awareness !
Sa tinem vie flacara Iubirii si a Constientei !
"Terra-A world that was about to be destroyed by our lack of Love and Awareness(the misuse of our consciousness)"[ Kogi Civilization]
"Terra- O lume care a fost pe punctul de a fi distrusa din cauza lipsei noastre de Iubire si de Constienta(utilizarea gresita a constientei)[ Kogi Civilization]
"Without going outside,You can know the whole universe. Without looking out,You can see the Way of Heaven/Fara sa treci pragul usii, se poate cunoaste intreg universul, Fara sa privesti pe fereastra,se poate vedea Calea Cerului" (Lao Tzu 47)
Every conscious being in this universe is multi-dimensional
Every conscious being in this universe is multi-dimensional/Fiecare fiinta constienta din acest univers este multi-dimensionala;"A crede nu este suficient. Trebuie sa Vedeti si sa descoperiti experimental ca stelele se afla in raza dvs. de actiune fiindca sunteti deja inzestrati cu o nava cu hiperpropulsie(care curbeaza spatiul si timpul)- propriul dvs. corp,ce poate calatori in timp si spatiu in intregul univers"(Mirahorian);"Every conscious being in this universe is multi-dimensional;Believing is not enough.You need to SEE that the stars are within your reach because you have already a hyperdrive ship to travel in all the universe-your own body" -(Mirahorian).Daca nu ati auzit pana acum de la cei care va tin prizonieri, de la cei care v-au implantat false credinte si identitati(gardienii care v-au virusat) aflati ca orice fiinta umana de pe Terra apartine unei civilizatii extraterestre superavansate de grad IV, in care fiecare entitate este eterna si poate insamanta noi universuri, se poate teleporta, poate calatori in timp si spatiu, fara alte mijloace tehnologice in afara generatorului de impulsuri, care este propriul creier(toate entitatile biologice extratereste sunt interdimensionale ca si noi; entitatile din Zeta Reticuli, cu pielea similara cu cea a delfinilor, pe care acestea ii considera veri, nu au putut fi tinute captive decat in incinte in care se mentinea un puternic camp electromagnetic, care impiedica shiftul, iesirea din dimensiunea noastra; nordicii sau blonzii nu au putut fi niciodata sa fie capturati, incarcerati).
Huge spaceship on the Moon/Nave uriase pe Luna
EBE Mona Lisa" was found by the LEM crew in one of the two triangular spacecrafts resting on the far side of the Moon, not too far from the cigar-shaped object where "Mona Lisa"- Pilotul uneia din cele doua nave triunghiulare(modul de salvare) aflate in vecinatatea navei in forma de trabuc de 4 km lungime si diametru de 551 m, care a creat pe fata ascunsa a Lunii un crater a carui varsta este estimata la 3,5 miliarde de ani
"In the composing of music you have to enter virtually a trance state to transmit songs. I don't think you write songs. They come through you"(Sting)
Revealing the Hidden Nature of Human Being as a bridge in the Awakening of the Consciousness of the Universe is a knowledge that was hidden from the human race all through history. This blog is dedicated to the awakening of self-knowledge of the universe manifested in us that will reveal our hidden powers that can help the man to discover his true identity and to save THE EARTH and our civilization from self-annihilation.

In acest site sunt evidentiate traditiile prin care omul redevine puntea prin care universul redevine constient de el insusi si isi descopera adevarata sa identitate de fiinta spirituala manifestata in corp material;acest proces de trezire a universului conduce la manifestarea puterilor divine ale omului care poate sa restabileasca armonia si sa repare matricea energetica si informationala a Terrei si a universului.

Cea mai mare dintre toate invataturile spirituale este ca Scanteia Divina se afla in fiecare dintre noi, in miezul fiintei noastre
Iisus spunea: «Imparatia lui Dumnezeu nu vine in asa fel ca sa izbeasca privirile. Nu se poate zice: Uite-o aici ! sau: "Uite-o acolo!"
Caci iata ca Imparatia lui Dumnezeu este inlauntrul vostru"»
(Luca 17.20-21; Rom.144.17; Vers.23)].
The greatest of all spiritual teaching is that the Divine spark is inside you, in your Heart; You can discover your treasure using love and awareness to awake yourself.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Quotes:
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience
We are spiritual beings having a human experience"
"Nu suntem fiinte umane care au o experienta spirituala
Suntem fiinte spirituale care au o experienta umana(in trup material)"
Adica nu suntem paharul(vasul material),
ci apa nemuritoare a vietii aflata in el
Namely,we aren't the vessel, the glass of water ,
but the immortal water in it

Din aceasta cauza vine constatarea de mai jos:
That is why Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said:

"Growing old is like being increasingly penalized for a crime you haven't committed"

"Imbatranirea este ca si cum am fi progresiv pedepsiti pt. o crima pe care nu am comis-o"

What we haven't committed ?
We didn't link our material body to the source...the spring of life..we didn't realized the graal in our heart , the awakening of love, the holographic state of existence
Ce nu am facut ?
Nu am racordat corpul material la izvorul am realizat in inima noastra graalul,trezirea iubirii,starea holografica de existenta...
This process of awakening to our true identity is taking place in a state beyond subject-object duality of holographic functioning known as mystic trance or samadhi(trance,that state of mind which remains with its object without distractions; superconscious state, ecstasy, meditative or concentrative absorption, union).
ALIEN INTERVIEW/INTERVIU CU UN EXTRATERESTRU "Truth is stranger than fiction"/"Adevarul este mai straniu decat fictiunea"
Infrangerea flotei spatiale a "Vechiul Imperiu" Galactic din sistemul nostru solar in 1150 e.n a condus la inflorirea stiintei si culturii pe Terra.. "The Domain Expeditionary Force has observed a resurgence in science and culture of the Western world since 1150 AD when the remaining remnants of the space fleet of the "Old Empire" in this solar system were destroyed
The term trance is defined as an altered state of consciousness which individuals can enter through a variety of techniques, including hypnotism, drugs (aushadhi, potions, herbs, consecrated plants;see the Nahuatl– Maya’s traditions revealed by Carlos Castaneda or The Shamanic Traditions revealed by Dr. Andrija Puharich in “The Sacred Mushroom (pub. 1959),sound (particularly music ,percussive drumming-remember Mantras,(recitation of incantations,words of power, chanting,sacred chants, prayer, auto and hetero suggestions;see the King Arthur's instruction"in chant,spells and incantations" received from the druid Merlin etc.), sensory deprivation, physical hardships (eg. flagellation, starvation, exhaustion, tapas:intense desire, ascetic disciplines,purificatory acts ,austerities) and vigorous continuous rhythmic exercise (particularly dance).People can also use trance, particularly in the context of ‘ritual’ events, to learn new strategies of thinking or of relating to one another.There are different types of learning: for example what Eric Jantsch calls ‘conscious learning’ is a transaction between consciousness, the environment and memory. Jantsch also identifies ‘superconscious learning’, which takes place with the addition of ‘outer’ and ‘inner’ ways of learning. These arise through the interaction of consciousness with transpersonal mass/collective consciousness (eg. Jung’s "collective unconscious")There are other techniques which can be used for such ‘tuning in’, for example magical or shamanic practices such as visualisations, breathing techniques and ritual. Particular technologies can also be used to enhance such learning capacities, for example the ASCID (Altered States of Consciousness Induction Device) developed by Robert Masters and Jean Houston (1973). The modern electronic music dance party is one such ‘pscycho- technology’ because it is an information system, consisting of visual, auditory and sensual elements.

See also/Vedeti si:
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Bucharest, Romania

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Calatoria in timp si experimentul de la CERN (Geneva, Elve

Calatoria in timp si experimentul de la CERN (Geneva, Elvetia)

Time travel and the experiment at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)

Experimentul din Elvetia(CERN) este indicat de John Titor in mesajele sale ( calator in timp venit din 2036) si va conduce la obtinerea de singularitati care vor face accesibila tehnologic calatoria in timp
Mesajele lui John Titor venit din anul 2036 se afla pe:

John Titor Time Traveler

Listen now to the latest news and events about John Titor, the time traveler from 2036. Oliver Williams hosts a regular half-hour videocast devoted to the physics, the time machine, and the predictions made by John Titor.

Above top secret
John Titor predicted that the CERN institution would accidentally discover the technology that allows for time travel. So far, his predictions have been tracking well with reality...CERN is now underway building their biggest-ever proton-proton collider. Some researchers have now pointed out that one result might be the creation of "Mini Black Holes", or as John Titor called them...microsingularities...

John Titor: ... the major breakthrough happens at CERN ...The creation of microsigularities...its a black hole about the size of an electron...

The CERN LHC: A Black Hole Factory?

by John G. Cramer

...there are new theoretical predictions that when the new accelerator goes into operation, the LHC's proton-proton collisions may also make something even more exotic: black holes.


New ideas suggest that gravity becomes stronger at small distances because of the effects of extra dimensions used only by gravity. In this scenario, as the effective value of G grows larger, the Planck mass drops, and the energy required to produce black holes can drop to 1 TeV, well within range of the LHC but probably out of reach for the Tevatron. Thus, the LHC may turn out to be a "black hole factory", an accelerator that makes large quantities of minimum-size black holes.

CERN begins installation on largest collider

Monday, March 7, 2005 Posted: 3:10 PM EST (2010 GMT)

GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) -- Installation of the world's largest particle physics collider began Monday with the lowering of a massive, superconducting magnet into the tunnel housing the new research facility that will draw scientists from all over the world, a spokeswoman said.
Preotii Materiei si Piramidele Secolului 21’/ The Priests that Worship the Matter and the 21st Century Pyramids
Vedeti mai mult in :/See more in:

Interviu cu un Extraterestru-Adevarul este mai straniu decat fictiunea /
ALIEN INTERVIEW- "Truth is stranger than fiction"

Omenirea are nevoie sa cunoasca raspunsurile continute in aceste documente . Cine suntem noi ? De unde venim? Care este telul nostru pe Terra ? Este omenirea singura in univers

Mankind needs to know the answers to questions which are contained in these documents. Who are we? Where did we come from? What is our purpose on Earth? Is Mankind alone in the universe? If there is intelligent life elsewhere why have they not contacted us?

Stiinta este religia materiei. Credinta stiintei este ca manifestarea(creatia)este totul iar creatorul nimic/ Science is the religion of matter. It worships matter.The paradigm of science is that creation is all, and the creator is nothing.

Religia spune ca totul este intr-un creator unic iar creatia este nimic./ Religion says the creator is all, and the creation is nothing.

Aceste doua extreme reprezinta barele celulei inchisorii/These two extremes are the bars of a prison cell.

Ele impiedica perceperea realitatii ca un intreg holografic...prezent in fiecare partea a sa /They prevent observation of all phenomenon as an interactive holographic whole, which is present in each of its parts.

Din aceasta cauza, nu priviti la savanti ca la niste salvatori ai Terrei sau ai viitorului umanitatii/ Therefore, do not look to scientists to save Earth or the future of humanity.

Asa-numita "stiinta" care este intemeiata doar pe credinta ca existenta este compusa doar din energie si din obiecte(materiale) care se misca prin spatiu nu este stiinta/ Any so-called "science" that is solely based on the paradigm that existence is composed only of energy and objects moving through space is not a science.

Astfel de fiinte ignora cu totul scanteia creativa generata de o entitate SUNT PT. A FI si actiunea colectiva a entitatilor SUNT PT. A FI care in continuare creaza universul fizic si toate universurile

Such beings utterly ignore the creative spark originated by an individual IS-BE and collective work of the IS-BEs who continually create the physical universe and all universes.

Sunteti pregatiti pt. viitor ?/Are you ready for the future?

Michio Kaku: Is Time Travel Possible?

Pe youtube exista mai multe filme despre mesajul lui John Titor in care se face referire la microsingularitatile(micro gaurile negre) ce vor fi realizate in Elvetia vor face posibila calatoria tehnologica in timp

John Titor - Time Travel Videocast
John Titor, Time Traveler from Year 2036, and the Bible Code
John Titor & Time Travel . part 1of 12
Time travel with proof
This man times travel and has proof

Povestea lui Hakan Nordkvist

Durată: 02:47Realizat: 16 Septembrie 2006 Locaţie: Kalmar, Suedia

Hans Karlsson

Håkan Nordkvist Has Visited the Future.
A person in Sweden claims to have time travelled to the future. It all happened on the afternoon the 30th of August 2006. It was a beautiful day and I was on my way home from a job in Färjestaden. When I got home, I found water on the kitchen floor. Somehow there was a leak. I got my tools and opened up the doors to the sink. And started to work.When I reached in to examine the pipes, they seemed to be further in than I remembered. I had to crawl inside the cabinet, and as I did so, I discovered that it just continued. So I kept on crawling further and further into the cabinet. In the end of the tunnel I saw a light, and when I got there, I realized I was in the future. I meet myself as 72 years old, the year was 2042. I did a lot of tests on him to see if he was really me. And the strange thing is that he knew everything about me. Where I hid my secret stuff when I was in first grade, and what the score was in the soccer match against Växjö Norra in the summer of -88. He knew it all.We even had the same tattoo, although he's was a little faded. He told me some of the stuff that will happen, but not so much. And I promised not to tell anyone. I made a film with my mobile phone. Unfortunately the quality is not the best. But it´s what I have got. Actually I don't´care if people thinks I am a liar. I know I'm not. I met myself in the future, and I was fine. That's all I know.

Read more about me and my story at

Potrivit unui comunicat remis de Consiliul European pentru Cercetari Nucleare (CERN) la inceputul lunii august, lansarea acceleratorului va putea vizionata in direct pe internet la
CERN, un acronim pentru Consiliul European pt Cercetari (Recherche) Nucleare, este cel mai mare laborator de accelerare şi studiere al particulelor elementare din lume, situat în suburbia nord-vestică a Genevei, chiar pe graniţa dintre Elveţia şi Franţa fondat de 11 guverne Europene in 1952. Convenţia internaţională privind fondarea Organizatiei Europene pt Cercetari Nucleare/Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire/ European Organization for Nuclear Research (cu pastrarea aceluiasi acronim CERN )a fost semnată în 1954 pe 29 septembrie. de 12 state din Europa.

Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire /European Organisation for Nuclear Research (nom officiel), aussi appelé laboratoire européen pour la physique des particules, plus connue sous l'acronyme CERN (acronyme de l'organe provisoire institué en 1952, le Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Council for Nuclear Research), est le plus grand centre de physique des particules du monde. Le 29 septembre 1954, la convention du CERN est ratifiée par 12 États européens, le CERN est officiellement créé et se nomme maintenant Organisation européenne pour la Recherche nucléaire.

The convention establishing CERN was signed on 29 September 1954 by twelve countries in Western Europe. The acronym CERN originally stood, in French, for Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Council for Nuclear Research), which was a provisional council for setting up the laboratory, established by 11 European governments in 1952.

LHC First Beam - 10th September 2008 - 9am CEST (GMT+2)

Also I found out today the large hadron collider will have a video stream running when it starts up on

Potrivit unui comunicat remis de Organizatia Europeana pentru cercetari nucleare (CERN) la inceputul lunii august, lansarea acceleratorului va putea vizionata in direct pe internet la


Live webcast