Tairona - Kogi
The Tairona were a precolombian civilization in the region of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the present-day Magdalena and La Guajira Departments of Colombia, South America which goes back to the 1st century AD and showed documented growth around in the 11th century. The Tairona people formed one of the two principal groups of the Chibcha and were pushed into submarginal regions by the Spanish conquest. The Kogi indigenous people who live in the area today are direct descendants of the Tairona.
Knowledge sources about the precolombian Tairona civilization are limited to archaeological findings and a few written references from the Spanish colonial era. A major city of the Tairona and archaeological site is today known as Ciudad Perdida (Spanish for "Lost City"), it was discovered by treasure hunters in 1975. The Tairona are known to have built terraced platforms, house foundations, stairs, sewers, tombs, and bridges from stone. Use of pottery for utilitarian and ornamental/ceremonial purposes was also highly developed.
Concepts of Earth as a Consciousness Entity
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Concepts of earth energy, especially surrounding the idea... of the Earth
as a consciousness body, are found... the world over. From small, remote tribes... in
the Andes mountains... to members of the most notorious fascist
groups... in the world, humans have constantly expressed... relationships
with the earth. They include... patterns of energy and respect... for the
planet... as a mother, protector, or, alternately, as something that
needs healing... as our own bodies do.
Some of the similarities... between these systems of belief... are so
striking; that people... who never spoke to one another, who never
knew... of each others' existence, could reach the same conclusions,
about planetary energies.
It is my belief... that when working with the energies... at a
given site, we are working... with something living. Whether
we consider the Earth itself... a being, or simply see it... as a
complex system... of interwoven organisms, there is no
denying... that it is alive.
It is important to remember... that we, in many cases, have
power... over the planet, and we must take caution... to treat
it with respect... as well as caution. Sometimes, its energies...
can have powerful, and not always positive effects, but
understanding... how different cultures... view these energies...
can help guide us... in our own paths.

A man named Ellis, who used to work closely... with Hunbatz Men,
came and began to tell this story. He said that... in Columbia, there
was an aboriginal tribe... deep in the Amazon jungle... called the Kogi.
They had no language... and "spoke" only telepathically... to each other.
In truth, they made little sounds, but these sounds... were not logically
arranged... into any pattern... such as an alphabet.
They were just sounds, but these sounds...
came from the heart... not the mind... and
created images... inside your head, and you
could "see" what the other person... was
Ellis said... that they were able to "travel" out of body clearly... and knew
everything... that was happening around the world, though they had never
physically left... their homeland. They had never even tried... to
communicate.. with the outside world, except to a very fortunate few.
The Kogi... do not see us... as "sleeping" as many of the Hindu
and Oriental religions perceive us. The Kogi... see us as "dead".
We are not alive, but only shadows... of the energy we could be.
We do not have enough... life force energy and consciousness... to
be classified by them as real people.
And the Kogi believed... with the use of their psychic abilities, they
could see the future clearly. And what they saw... was similar to
what many other tribes... around the world saw, a world... that was
about to be destroyed... by the misuse of consciousness.
So sometime ago... they traveled over the whole world... in their light
bodies... searching for anyone... who is alive. And in the whole world,
they could only find one other tribe... who were Mayan... that lived far
in the jungles... of Guatemala. They were so happy... to find someone
else... who was alive.
But the Kogi belief, their prophesy, was that with the coming... of the
Eclipse... on August 11th, of 1999... all the world... would stop and
only the Kogi and this one other Mayan tribe... would survive to inhabit
the Earth. This is why they were so happy... to find someone else...
other than themselves... who understood.
Then when the eclipse... slowly revealed its face... on the 11th of August,
it became apparent to the Kogi... that something had happened... since
the time... they had searched... the world for life.
Something that they could not understand... for the "great change" had
happened, and we, the "dead" ones... were still here. We should have
dissolved back... into the Dream. Not that they wanted us to, that was
not their nature. It simply should have happened.
So the Kogi... set out to find out... why the "dead ones" were still on
Earth, and as they searched... the living vibrating records... of this Reality,
they found... exactly where and why... it had happened.
Some of the "dead ones", had become alive, and had created a
dream... with enough life force... to "save the world" as we know it.
In our terms, some of us... had created a "parallel world", where life
could continue to grow, a world... where the "dead" could become alive.
The Kogi... were so specific... to locate... exactly who these people
were... that were creating this change... that had altered the world's
The Kogi... saw these people... with living bodies of light ... around them. People who had activated their "Light Bodies" or in the ancient terms, their "Mer-Ka-Ba". |

The Kogi... are an indigenous people... who live in a mountain... in
the high Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains... of northern
Colombia, in South America. Their remote mountain home... is situated
in Northern Columbia, and is considered to be the highest coastal
mountain range... in the world.
Spanish Invasion - 1500's
In 1498, the Spaniards arrived... in Northern
Colombia... enslaving the native Indians. The
Kogi... fled to the mountaintop... where they
have managed... to remain... an isolated tribe
ever since.
During the Spanish Conquest, the narrow coastal strip bordering the
Sierra Nevada... was the scene... of violent battles... in which, the
European invaders... tried to subdue... the Indians... who put up fierce
resistance. The Kogi, are the only tribe... the Spanish... didn't conquer.
These Indians, known as the Tairona, had reached by the early sixteenth
century... a high level... of cultural development, making them... amongst
the most advanced... of all the aboriginal groups... of the Kingdom of
New Grenada... what is today Columbia.
The tribe known as 'Los Kogui' are the direct descendants of the
Tairona civilization... and are today's custodians of that ancient culture.
The Tairona culture... flourished in Northern Colombia.. around 1,000 AD.
They left behind... stunning gold artwork, stone and pottery artifacts...
and an amazing network... of brick roads... covering the Sierra Nevada.
They have a population... of approximately 12,000 people.
They live to a very old age, mostly in good health.

These huts... are those... of what is known, as the Kankurua. To
penetrate a Kankurua... is to enter into contact... with the nine
worlds... and the nine states of consciousness... that make it up.
They plant crops and live off the land.
They prefer not to mix... with outsiders. Few Colombians, or those
from the outside worlds, are allowed to enter their mountain.
They marry in their culture.
Some say... they have moved beyond verbal language, using tones
to create... colorful images... in their minds... rather than thoughts...
expressed as sentences. Some Kogi... speak telepathically... to
each other.
The Kogis... constantly move about... from place to place, between
their different abodes... spread among... the different levels... of the
Sierra Nevada mountain range. This is one way... in which, they
take care of their nutritional needs... without abusing the environment.
Peace River Fun. (view more) |
Time to be Warless.. (view more) |
Kogi Mamos share the Prophecy (view more) |
The Magic of my Arhuaco Brothers (view more) |
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